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Confidence boosts guaranteed

The peer-led careers community for career starters and career changers.

Your own personal network of support… preparing you for the world of work

78% of members feel more confident about their careers after using CareerEar

Ask questions to people in the know-how

Submit your career questions to advisers from a range of industries and gain the personalised guidance and insights to get ahead.

Discover and explore your career paths jobs

Discover the jobs for you, including roles you’ve never even heard of, that match your skills and find out what it takes to be successful.

Want to change careers? Assess your skills

Understand the skills you have and their transferability to different industries, as well as the skills you need to work on.

Find live jobs in digital, media and tech industries

Apply to entry-level roles like Apprenticeships as well as mid-level roles if you’ve already got some experience under your belt

Your stories | Career Changer Focus

Moving from management consultancy to a career in tech role at Sainsbury’s: Kathryn’s story

Your stories | Career Starter Focus

From bakery to digital marketing - Finnbar’s story

The community that can put your skills in front of awesome partners including:

New Statesman Media Group, Chocolate Films, amicable, Toolshed, BiteBack 2030, Ascension Agency

Career Advice

Building transferable skills with Sue Stephens from Facebook

What it’s like to be a presenter with Alain Fusion Clapham


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