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How to Make Your CV Stand Out From the Crowd

If you are struggling to get job interviews, the chances are that your CV is falling short. A CV is one of the only glimpses that a hiring company will get of your background and skills, so they are very important.

If you are not sure how to improve your CV, or need tips on writing one for the first time, then don’t worry - we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know!

Why is a CV important?

A CV is the only chance you have to tell a potential employer who you are and why you are the right person for the job. It is designed to showcase your skills and personality on just a page or two of paper, and, when done right, can be your ticket to success!

5 ways to make your CV stand out

Include all relevant information

As well as talking about your skills and experience, your CV needs to be practical. This means including contact details such as your phone number, address, email address, and national insurance number if you have it.

Tailor your CV to the job

Rather than creating a single CV and sending it to every employer, try making it specific to each career role you apply for.

This does not mean that you have to start from scratch every time you want to apply for a job. We advise having a general CV, and instead editing it to emphasise or mention skills and experience relevant to the position.

For example, echo words or phrases used in the original job description, or refer specifically to the job role in question.

Make it look good

The hiring manager will likely look through hundreds of CVs a week. To make sure that yours stands out from the rest, choose a striking yet practical design.

Some of our top tips for formatting your CV include keeping it to no more than 2 sides of A4, using distinguishable headings and paragraphs, and only including relevant information.

Open with a strong personal statement

If you want the hiring company to remember you, it is vital that you start strong. Your personal statement usually comes at the beginning of a CV, and is your opportunity to sell yourself in just a few lines.

In your personal statement, be sure to include some key points about who you are as a person, what your skills are, and what makes you suited to the job.

Highlight your strengths

Draw as much attention as possible to your relevant skills and strengths. By making them clear, the hiring manager can immediately see what it is that makes you perfect for the job.

It also gives you a chance to show examples of when you demonstrated these skills, which is important for a potential employer to know.

"Showcase your skills and personality on just a page or two of paper..."

Final thoughts

By following these simple steps, your CV will be upgraded in no time.

If you are still struggling to figure out your skills or what kinds of jobs you are suitable for, check out our Skills Exploration Tool here. It guides you through a range of career roles that match up with your experience, giving you a better idea of what careers are out there!


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