With July being Disability Pride Month we took the opportunity to provide our community with 5 incredible organisations advocating for people with disabilities. Too often those from marginalised groups are overlooked and their talents go unnoticed. These individuals have the potential to achieve amazing things in their careers, but just need to be given an equal chance.
In today’s society no one should be left behind, which is why we are happy to feature these 5 companies who prioritise inclusivity and are taking the necessary steps to provide the disability community with exciting career options. 😄
1. Action on Disability
Action on Disability is a West London based Disabled People’s Organisation, they are run by disabled people and were created for disabled people. They offer both an employment service and youth service, inclusive employers are able to discover disabled talent and 11-25 year olds are given opportunities to form connections and enhance their skills.
This company is on a mission to:
Influence local and national policy by promoting the rights of disabled people.
Deliver high quality, professional, inclusive and accessible activities which promote independence for disabled people.
Increase disabled people’s knowledge and confidence about their rights enabling them to access opportunities and make well-informed choices.
2. EmployAbility
EmployAbility is a not-for-profit organisation that charges and offers employers a service so that they are able to provide free support to the rights of disabled people. They pride themselves on their inclusive partnerships as they have a collective vision of a fairer society.
These inclusive partnerships are a step in the right direction to provide the disability community with equal opportunities. Their service is one that every employer should seek to be a part of as there is a chance for inclusive consultancies, disability empowerment training, internships and much more!
3. Evenbreak
Evenbreak is a social enterprise run by disabled people, for disabled people.They provide career opportunities to disabled job seekers through their resources and by connecting them with inclusive employers. This gives companies a chance to discover incredibly talented people who are often not considered or catered for in the industry. Any organisation on the lookout for disabled talent to fill their job roles, this is a great place to start looking!
4. Careers with Disabilities
Careers with Disabilities is another great organisation that connects disabled candidates with employers, they post live jobs and provide assistance to employers with a service.
This service includes:
Job vacancy credits
Company profile
Featured news article
Social media promotion
E-shot promotion
Job advert inclusivity screening
Careers with Disabilities packages
5. AFK Charity
AFK is a small charity with a big impact, they support children and young people with disabilities and autism to live more independent, fulfilling lives. They provide mobility equipment that is not available on the NHS and have a Life and Work programme where people aged 19-25 are able to find employment and live more independently.
These organisations are a constant reminder of the changes that need to take place in all industries so that disabled individuals are given a fair chance. Being disabled does not look one specific way, we cannot always visually see someone's disability, it can also occur during any time in someone's life. If you yourself are disabled or an inclusive employer, these 5 organisations are a great place for you to connect with the right people and opportunities.