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  • Writer's pictureIyakabeth Rodney

What is the solution to closing the digital Skills Gap?

We’re all familiar with the theory that one day computers will take over the world. Well, the time has come for human beings to assume control over technology by becoming digitally skilled.

The digital skills gap crisis has posed a problem for both employers and employees across the world. We can attribute this crisis to the rapid advancement of technology which requires an increase in digital skills. Employers have discovered that their workforces lack the necessary skill set for their businesses - research conducted by Hays found that 62% of employers do not have the skills required in their business. Meanwhile, employees are faced with not being able to perform to their full potential.

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But where there’s a problem, there’s always a solution!

One of the key solutions to this specific problem is upskilling initiatives. Upskilling is when an employee is given the opportunity to learn additional skills. This can be implemented through skills bootcamp courses, for example. These bootcamps enable employees to build up specific skills, usually within a short period of time. So if employers are in need of upskilling their current employees, this is a great option. Alternatively, employers can hire talent from bootcamps if they are searching for an employee who already has the necessary skills.

A failure to invest in upskilling opportunities will likely result in employees feeling incapable of performing their job well, which could lead to an increase in resignations. Companies can retain their workforce during the skills gap crisis by getting on board with upskilling initiatives that help to develop their workers (check out our previous blog for tips on employee retention). This will allow businesses to grow in a productive and efficient way. Employers should also consider hiring a digital skills expert for a set period of time so that they are able to take control of assisting employees to improve their digital skills.

Upskilling opportunities will be beneficial for employers who seek to give their employees a solid foundation to work from. The outcome of this is workers who feel secure in their abilities due to their improved skillset, which will provide a solution to closing the digital skills gap and create a thriving company!

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